Mom Gives Birth To Single Boy But Four Weeks Later Delivers Twins As Well Due To Rare Medical Condition

Jul 14, 2022 by apost team

In this one-of-a-kind story from 2019, a rare medical condition led one woman in Bangladesh to give birth to three babies, 26 days apart. It's a story that will blow your mind and make you wonder if it could happen to you or someone you know. 

Arifa Sultana was a 22-year-old woman living in Bangladesh at the time. She comes from a poor family, and knew it could be tough to raise a child of her own. Still, she and her husband were overjoyed when they learned she was pregnant. However, they worried about whether they had the financial ability to raise a child. Her husband is a hardworking laborer who makes less than $70 per month. Despite their limited means, they were going to give this baby the best life they could.

Back in February 2019, Arifa gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Everything went well, and she and her husband adapted to life as parents. However, just 26 days after their son was born, their lives would change again. One day, Arifa started having severe stomach pains.

She rushed to the hospital and was shocked to hear what was happening to her and her body. The doctors told her that she was in labor for a second time in a month. Everyone was in disbelief as her water broke a second time. Shortly after becoming a new mom to her first baby, she would add a few more members to her and her husbands family. Doctors involved said they haven't seen anything like this in nearly 30 years of practicing medicine. 

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In an interview with CNN, Poddar said, ""She came to the hospital complaining of lower abdominal pain."

“She didn’t realize she was still pregnant with the twins. Her waters broke again 26 days after the first baby was born and she rushed to us,” her doctor, Sheila Poddar shared.

Arifa had been born with a rare condition known as the double uterus or uterus didelphys. The condition is extremely rare and begins during development. Simply put, she had a previously unknown second uterus that was completely functional. And through it, she was pregnant with twins. Her physician, Dr. Poddar told the BBC that "She had no idea that she had two other babies. We carried out a cesarean and she delivered twins, one male, and female." Women who have this rare condition are often able to carry and have successful pregnancies. 

“I haven’t seen any case like this in my 30-year plus medical career,” Dilip Roy, chief government doctor in Jessore, said. In an interview with AFP, the father shared, "It was a miracle from Allah that all of my children are healthy. I will try my best to keep them happy." The mom shared that the family doesn't make much money and they aren't sure how they will handle all three of their new children's finances. “I don’t know how we will manage such a huge responsibility with this little amount," she shared.

The three new children have been named Ifad Islam Noor, Mohammad Huzaifa and Jannatul Mawa Khadija. Although the two additions to their family were unexpected, we wish the growing family nothing but the best!

Let us know what you think about this surprise second pregnancy. Have you ever heard of this rare condition before? Also, give others the chance to see this story for themselves by passing the link to friends and family.

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