Mom Films Baby Girl Being Saved By Dad As She Almost Falls From Bridge

Jan 30, 2020 by apost team

You can always count on your dad to rescue you from danger. One little girl found that out while exploring Yosemite National Park.

Just as the cute duo was about to pose for a picture, the toddler got too close to the edge of a bridge and the unthinkable nearly happened. Thankfully for the little girl, her quick-thinking dad noticed the impending danger and swooped her forward before she tumbled down the ravine.

Mom had been filming the interaction and captured the near mishap on video for all to see. The miraculous last-minute catch will certainly prove to this little girl how much her daddy loves her.

The sweet family of three had spent the day exploring all of the natural beauty and awe-inspiring grandeur of one of California's most treasured national parks, reports GoodTimes. They decided to take a little break to pose for pictures on this bridge when the tragedy was averted.

As the two were posing for mom, the little girl inched up against the edge of the bridge and started to tumble backward. Despite the drop not being too far, it could have certainly hurt a child as tiny as this.

Take a peek at this incident so you can see for yourself why it pays to be alert at all times. Especially if you have busy toddlers in tow. After you watch the quick instincts of this attentive dad, be sure to spread the story to others so that everyone is reminded how careful we need to be with little kids around.