Mom Diagnosed And Treated For Breast Cancer During Her Pregnancy Delivers Healthy Boy

Oct 23, 2019 by apost team

Let’s face it – pregnancy is hard enough on a woman. Can you even imagine what kind of superhero woman could go through nine months of pregnancy with a highly rare form of breast cancer, endure chemotherapy, undergo surgery and still deliver a strong, healthy baby boy? Bradley Devis is dubbed a “miracle child,” when he was born completely healthy and thriving in every way possible.

Jade Devis first noticed the frightening lump in her breast during her first trimester. She was initially told by her medical team that it was probably just a symptom of pregnancy, as breast lumps aren’t uncommon during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, that was far from the case. Jade already had a mother’s intuition for the baby growing inside her and she insisted her doctors do a biopsy of the lump according to Fox 40 News.

Her mother’s intuition was right. Jade was diagnosed with stage 2 triple-negative breast cancer. She was told by doctors that the treatment to save her life couldn’t be guaranteed to save her baby’s life as well. At first, she didn’t know what to do.

Then, Jade had a moment where she was at peace with just feeling her future son’s heart beating inside her. Something rose up inside her that told her to fight for both herself and for her baby.

"I wanted to keep my baby because I would not allow a stranger to tell me my child’s fate," she told Fox 40 News.

She turned both of their fates over and underwent a lumpectomy and several rounds of chemotherapy. 

The doctor and breast cancer specialist that worked with Jade, Dr. Gayathri Nagaraj, says he has seen how hard undergoing that type of chemotherapy is for any woman, let alone someone that far along in their pregnancy and wanting to fight for their baby’s life and their own. Dr. Nagaraj said to Fox 40 News

 "In Jade’s situation we had to be doubly cautious and alert to ensure the safety of the patient and the baby. I am extremely glad to be working with an amazing team who all came together to make this possible."

Their cautiousness and Jade’s strength paid off. Jade gave birth in July 2019 to a healthy baby boy with no complications. Her latest scan shows no sign of remaining cancer spreading and the doctors are all confident that after her final infusion therapy she will be free of cancer and on her way to raising new baby. Looking back on carrying her new healthy boy, Jade told the news station

"It is surreal to remember that my pregnancy had an element of extraordinary fear," Jade said. "I am blessed when I look at my son, and I cannot ask for more than that."

What do you think about Jade’s brave fight against such serious and aggressive cancer? She did it all for her unborn baby. What an amazing woman! Pass this story along to anyone who is struggling (it doesn’t have to be with cancer) and who could use some inspiration today!