Mom Couldn't Make It To The Delivery Room - Had To Give Birth On The Hospital‘s Hallway Floor.

Jan 06, 2019 by apost team

As every mother knows, babies come in their own time, at their own pace, and at the place of their choosing. You can plan a birthing experience down to the last detail, but planning isn’t everything. This is something that Jess Hogan knows intimately.

As the mother of five little girls, she and her husband Travis were thrilled to be welcoming a little boy into the family. She had her birth plan set, but life has a way of throwing wrenches into well-made plans.

Jess recently sat down for an interview with Inside Edition. After a mad dash to the hospital, Jess and her husband made it through the first set of doors, barely through the second set, and it was time! She wasn’t even able to get into a wheelchair and rushed to a delivery room. Baby Max was coming in his own time, and certainly in his own way.

The baby’s head was crowning, so nurses helped lower Jess to the floor of the hospital. There, she gave one big push and Max was out, and laying on his mother’s chest in just a few seconds flat. Thankfully, after that they were able to get mother and child onto a gurney and into a room. Baby Max got to meet his excited big sisters and father, with everything ending well.

Though it might not have been the birth story of Jess’ plans, baby Max arrived in style and with fanfare! Show your expecting friends this wonderful story. You never know when a birth story might become an epic story!