Mom Comes Across Injured Cardinal And Nurses Cute Birdie Back To Health

Apr 30, 2020 by apost team

When Angela Buck spotted a cardinal in her garage earlier this month, her first instinct was to shoo it away before her dogs got to it. She quickly changed her mind, however, upon realizing there was something wrong with the little bird. 

That’s when the mother-of-one sprung into action by calling a local bird rescue, who gave her instructions on how to nurse the cardinal back to health. 

All photos were used with the explicit permission of Angela Buck

In a post she shared on Facebook, Buck said that when she first saw the bird, she tried to get it to fly away, but to no avail. 

“He hopped on my hand [sic] and just sat there,” Buck wrote in her post. “He didn’t seem hurt, he was moving his head and repositioning himself on my hand.”

“He was literally sitting there and wouldn’t fly away. Well, he hung out with me for about an hour while I waited for a near bird rescue location to open so I could call.”

All photos were used with the explicit permission of Angela Buck

When the rescue finally opened, Buck managed to get through to one of the workers. They told her it sounded like the cardinal had suffered a concussion, likely after being hit by a car or flying into something. 

“She suggested I put him in a dark box in a quiet place for a couple of hours to let him rest,” Buck explained. “She said to then take him back outside and try to help him fly away.”

All photos were used with the explicit permission of Angela Buck

After two hours of some well-deserved rest, Buck let the sweet bird free from its box and it flew away. 

Buck’s facebook post quickly went viral as social media from across the world praised her for her actions. As for us, we’re happy the cardinal is doing well, and we hope more people take example from Buck’s actions by helping injured animals in need. 

All photos were used with the explicit permission of Angela Buck

Have you ever nursed an injured bird back to health? What was your experience like? We would love to hear your stories, so make sure you let us know in the comments, and pass this along to your friends and family!