Mom Breaks Down When Deaf Baby Girl Hears For The First Time

Jun 29, 2018 by apost team

Cook Children’s hospital shared an amazing video of a little toddler hearing sound for the very first time on June 19th. This video has since gone viral and you will soon see why!

Just a couple of seconds after the cochlear implant is activated, Ayla’s little face lights up and she immediately touches her ear. She excitedly motions to everyone who is present that she can finally hear!

Of course, everyone is extremely excited for the little girl. Her mother can barely hold back her tears of joy as the implant is activated. Once Ayla indicates that it works, she can no longer control her emotions and she breaks down crying.

The moment was way too powerful to not shed a few tears!

The Esler family had driven for five hours by car to the non-profit pediatric healthcare organization to get treatment for their child. The center is based in Fort Worth, Texas.

Many people praised Cook Children’s Hospital for their many healthcare contributions. The cochlear unit started in 2006 and has been providing kids with cochlear implants and other hearing aids ever since.

Watch the video below to see this wonderful moment:

The little girl’s parents kept the hospital updated with her progress. They stated that she does have many challenges ahead of her. They will have to teach her what different sounds are, something a child with hearing learns naturally. But they say Ayla is responding positively, such as turning to sounds, dancing to music, and calming down when they sing to her when she is upset. They are very thankful for the opportunity they received for their little girl and want everyone in their lives to know just how grateful they are!

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