Mom Asks If She Was Right For "Walking Out" On Husband And Kids And Checking Into A Hotel

Aug 30, 2021 by apost team

Parenting is full of ups and downs and can become incredibly challenging and tiring at times. It’s only natural that parents would need a break every now and then away from their responsibilities. They could hire a babysitter or ask a family member or friend to watch the kids for the night so they could finally get some time to themselves to fully relax. 

A mother went to Reddit back in January 2021 to explain a situation she had gotten herself in and to ask if she handled it correctly or not. She had decided to leave her job as a preschool teacher and become a stay-at-home mom since her husband made enough money to support the family. While her husband is off at work, she is busy taking care of their kids: a 2-year-old daughter and a 4-month-old son. On top of that, she also cares for their puppy. However, once her husband comes home from work, he never does anything to help around the house and doesn’t really pitch in much to take care of the kids and dog. 

OP constantly did everything she could to keep the house in decent condition and to make sure everyone in her family was well taken care of, but it was draining. She was exhausted and just wanted a break, so after she made sure everything was good to go, she left to stay at a hotel for a couple of nights and finally get a break. This caused issues within the family as not everyone agreed that she was right to just up and leave her family.

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OP started off her Reddit post by saying that she was “exhausted.” After leaving her job as a preschool teacher, she decided to become a stay-at-home mom so she and her husband wouldn’t have to pay for child care services. She explained that he made enough money to support the family, and they even had separate bank accounts as well as one joint account.

“He works from home, 9-5 desk job that isn’t stressful (he admits it’s a ‘cupcake job’), has weekends and nights off, and takes vacation days,” OP wrote. “...I love that he loves his job.” However, OP had a problem with the fact that once her husband was finished with work, he was finished with everything for the day. Rather than help her out with their two young children and their dog, he would usually read, watch TV or work out in their home gym.

While her husband was enjoying some time to himself, OP was constantly making sure everyone in the house was properly taken care of. “Meanwhile I cook, clean, make toddlers special diet (no dairy or gluten due to allergies), I breastfeed on demand, walk and train the dog…” she explained. On top of that, she also did all of the shopping and any upkeep that comes along with owning a house. 

It became too much for her to handle on her own, but it didn’t seem like her husband was much help. “I’m just tired. I’m so tired,” OP wrote. “And when I ask for help he just stares at me blankly until I go away.” Finally, OP hit her breaking point.

Hitting Her Breaking Point

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One day, her kids were crying, the puppy had gone to the bathroom on the rug and her husband did nothing but complain about the smell. So, she decided that she had had enough for the day. OP said, “I made sure that there was pumped breast milk and clean bottles, that dog food was out and the toddler had enough food for a few days and I just left.” She considered having her mother go over to make sure everything was OK, but wanted her husband to see just how much she does to keep the house up and running.

OP booked a hotel room for two days and finally had some time to relax; she took a bath, read a book and even watched Netflix. “I honestly don’t want to go back,” she admitted. Although she missed her kids and dog, she didn’t miss her husband. “His family is calling me nonstop telling me I’m a bad wife/mom and his mother is flying in from Florida since I’m “having some sort of breakdown,’” OP wrote. She ended her post by reiterating her driving point: “I’m just so tired.”

Many Reddit users have since come to OP’s defense and told her that she wasn’t wrong for needing a break and wanting to take care of herself. One user commented, “When you do go home, you have got to have an honest conversation with your husband that he needs to step up. Maybe go to couples counseling so someone outside of this can help him hear you. But you take care of you right now.” OP replied and revealed that she was calling a therapist to schedule an appointment. Hopefully this mom can get the help she deserves.

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What did you think about this mother’s Reddit post? Do you think her husband should step up more to help out around the house and with their kids? Let us know, and be sure to pass this on to your loved ones, too.

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