Missing Dog Walked Nearly 200 Miles Back To New Home Of Owner Who Had Originally Rescued Her

Nov 14, 2019 by apost team

Canine Shavi was so close to her female caretaker and foster mom, the many miles that came between them couldn’t keep the dog away from her.

According to KPRU News, Shari was injured when she was hit by a car. The homeless dog’s wounds were serious and included fractured bones. Her life was saved when a couple of kind-hearted souls came along and rescued her.

The people who saved Shavi used the internet to attract a caretaker for her. Nina Baranovskaya agreed to take of the ailing dog.

Since the canine’s legs had been broken, Nina got Shavi back on her feet. She also gave her lessons on how to follow orders. When the pooch was fearful, she calmed her down.


Because Nina wasn’t able to keep Shavi, she took her to a friend’s house. Soon after that, Shavi took off. Upset about what had happened, Nina’s friends contacted her and told her about it. Nina and her friends lived approximately 185 miles apart.

Shavi made her way back to Nina’s side 14 days later. They connected with each other when Nina was taking a stroll and the dog made physical contact with her. When she glanced down, Shavi was sitting there.

According to KPRU News, Nina cried after learning that Shavi traveled over a hundred miles on her own, and she revealed this to a Russian news station. And, even though she no longer lived in the house Shavi once shared with her because she had relocated, the dog was able to find her.

She stated that she didn’t expect this, even though she’s aware that there are some wondrous tales regarding a dog’s faithfulness. The fact that Shavi walked so far to be with them is still something she has trouble believing.

Nina explained to KPRU News that Shavi has a permanent home with her, and she will always keep her. She believes animals are more loving than humans, and more loyal. She feels this is so because of what she has experienced.

People wanted to help Nina out once they read about Shavi in the newspaper. They wanted to give her money, but she wouldn’t take it, stating that it wasn’t required. Nina did request, however, that no one close their eyes to animals needing assistance.

Show others how faithful and loving dogs can be by making them aware of what Shavi did to find Nina. Pass this article along to your friends and family.