Michelle Obama Paid For All Her Attire From Her Own Pocket While Serving As First Lady

May 29, 2019 by apost team

Many things about the Obama’s time in the White House as President and First Lady of the United States are definitely noteworthy; From the relationship we’re all shipping from afar to their undeniable swag, fans of the Obamas have never stopped adoring the former first couple.

And one thing is for sure: Michelle has had fashionistas galore in awe with her impeccable sense of style. In her recent record-breaking memoir Becoming, the 55-year-old gave readers insight in developing her own style for the White House, which some say is the best the country has seen yet.

Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Sharing an excerpt from her book with Elle, the mother-of-two spoke about her strategy when it came to fashion as First Lady. She starts by opening up about the challenges she met in the beginning of her husband's campaign.

“Sometime during Barack’s campaign, people began paying attention to my clothes. Or at least the media paid attention, which provoked all manner of commentary across the internet.” She wrote. “My pearls, my belts, my cardigans, my off-the-rack dresses from J. Crew, my apparently brave choice of white for an inaugural gown—all seemed to trigger a slew of opinions and instant feedback”


It quickly became evident that the public was more interested in what she was wearing, rather than what she was doing.

She even described an incident in London, where she gave a speech to the girls at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School that was so emotional it moved her to tears. To her surprise, she found out that the first question asked by a reporter to a staffer of hers was simply: "Who made her dress?".

“This stuff got me down, but I tried to reframe it as an opportunity to learn, to use what power I could find inside a situation I’d never have chosen for myself. If people flipped through a magazine primarily to see the clothes I was wearing, I hoped they’d also see the military spouse standing next to me or read what I had to say about children’s health.”

She goes on to describe how she paid for all her own clothes and accessories except gowns for formal events that were couture-level, that would later, however, be donated to the National Archives, as is required according to the White House ethics guidelines.

“When it came to my choices, I tried to be somewhat unpredictable, to prevent anyone from ascribing any sort of message to what I wore. It was a thin line to walk. I was supposed to stand out without overshadowing others, to blend in but not fade away.”

“As a black woman, too, I knew I’d be criticized if I was perceived as being showy and high-end, and I’d also be criticized if I was too casual. So I mixed it up.I'd match a Michael Kors skirt with a T-shirt from Gap. I wore something from Target one day and Diane von Furstenberg the next. I wanted to draw attention to and celebrate American designers, especially those who were less established, even if it sometimes frustrated the old guard, including Oscar de la Renta, who was reportedly displeased that I wasn’t wearing his creations. For me, my choices were simply a way to use my curious relationship with the public gaze to boost a diverse set of up-and-comers,”

The bestselling-author credits her flawless style to her stylist, Meredith Koop, her makeup artist Carl Ray and her hairdresser, Johnny Wright. This ‘trifecta’, as her larger team calls them, have given her the confidence she says she needs to step out in the public eye without fearing the possibility of being ridiculed for her appearance.

“I never expected to be someone who hired others to maintain my image, and at first the idea was discomfiting. But I quickly found out a truth that no one talks about: Today, virtually every woman in public life—politicians, celebrities, you name it—has some version of Meredith, Johnny, and Carl. It’s all but a requirement, a built-in fee for our societal double standard.”

What do you think of Michelle’s amazing style? Which one of her outfits is your favorite? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!