Men Sing 'Amazing Grace' In A Tranquil Church—But This Cover Is Like Nothing We've Heard Before

Jul 07, 2020 by apost team

Legendary solo singer Peter Hollens recently joined Home Free and recorded an exceptional acapella  performance. Together they sang a famous hymn.

A Distinguished Career

Peter Hollens is a well-known solo singer. He first rose to prominence in 1999 as a founding member of “On the Rocks,” a men’s vocal ensemble based at the University of Oregon. His prodigious talent and passion for acapella singing led to numerous television appearances, albums, and a series of popular Pitch Perfect movies.

Home Free is an acapella group that has been together since 2000. This group won the prestigious Sing-Off and was allowed to release an album through Sony’s label. In addition to this album, they have many other collections in circulation through their independent Home Free label.

Not Your Typical Church Meeting

Recently, Hollens and Home Free appeared together in a church. So much musical talent sitting in the pews would be a blessing for any house of worship, and this was no exception. As they began to sing, lush harmonies and hushed holiness descended upon this sacred space.

Hollens and two members of Home Free provided a quiet, subdued start to the classic hymn, “Amazing Grace.” As the remaining three members joined in, the harmonies became increasingly complex and beautiful.

Transported To Tranquility

First-rate acapella singing such as this already does an excellent job of bringing listeners a sense of peace. When the second and subsequent verses were sung outdoors, a cloud of calm seems to descend upon the group. They appeared relaxed and genuinely content as they sang.

The group was not just outdoors anywhere. They surrounded by mountains and autumnal trees. The bright colors of the leaves mirrored the increasingly optimistic tone of the subsequent verses.

Bringing It Home

Just as simple as it began, the hymn ended. The six men were back in church. They sat in the same pews as they sang the final line: “We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise, than when we first begun.”

What do you think of this rendition of "Amazing Grace?" Be sure to let us know your thoughts and pass this on to others!