Matthew McConaughey Made Hot Food For California Wildfire First Responders

Nov 05, 2019 by apost team

Matthew McConaughey has been giving his time to first responders battling the California wildfires by serving up hot meals on the front lines.

He joined the organization Operation BBQ Relief last Friday to serve up hot meals to deserving firefighters who have been battling the recent wildfires that have been plaguing the west coast. Ironically, the organization and McConaughey were in town to host an event commemorating those who helped in last year’s fires when their plans changed.

 “Little did we know when planning this annual event that California, my second home, would once again be hit by devastating fires,” he said in a press release.

McConaughey got to grilling with a team of volunteers and altogether they prepared hundreds of turkey dinners to grateful first responders in surrounding firehouses. The team didn’t stop there—they continued on to make meals for local homeless shelters.

“We are grateful to be here today to say thank you, shine a light on their unwavering conviction, and hopefully inspire others to get involved and help in their own communities,” McConaughey said to press.

The fires have been burning over the last few weeks in Southern California including Ventura County and Los Angeles, but the LA Times reports that they should be on their last legs now.

First responders continue to fight the fires and will also have to prepare themselves for clean-up operations. No doubt the thoughtful hot meals served up by volunteers were a welcome distraction and moment to refuel.

In what ways do you give back to your community? Let us know in the comments below.