Masked Santa Arrested After Giving $10 Notes To Homeless Inside Christmas Cards

Dec 24, 2019 by apost team

People don't usually like to see others wearing masks. There's an instinctual reaction we have to another person whose face we can't see. Since much of our communication is comprised of non-verbal cues and gestures, it makes sense that people are a little wary and confused when seeing another person in a mask. We can't see whether they're smiling, crying, or looking angry.

This makes it more difficult to guess their intentions. When we can't determine any of this, we naturally feel more uneasy around people with masks. This, added with the fact that criminals are often portrayed in masks, ensures that anyone who adorns a mask will receive suspicious stares. However, not every masked stranger is a villain. Sometimes, they're even famous icons who are looking to help people in need.

The homeless population around Manchester, UK, received quite the surprise when a masked Santa was seen passing out holiday cards. Not only was this a kind gesture, but it was what was inside the Christmas cards that really got people talking.

The masked man was handing out $10 notes in each letter, reports the Metro. The activist goes by the nickname Outlaw and isn't a stranger to handing out free items. In fact, he previously graced the headlines in the area and beyond when he was seen giving out free marijuana. According to the Daily Mail, it wasn't just a small amount either. He gave over a $800 worth of the controlled substance.

Outlaw's most recent stunt feels more like a heart-warming gesture. In the viral video, he can be seen handing out cards filled with banknotes to people in need. Many of the recipients respond with strong emotions.

The event starts with a masked Santa Claus sitting next to a warm fire as he fills out cards with banknotes. Outlaw can then be seen taking to the streets to make his way around Manchester as Santa does. Instead of having a sleigh full of presents powered by magic, he's got a handful of Christmas cards with $10 notes and is fuelled by kindness.

It's been said that Christmas is the season of giving, and it seems that some people are really taking advantage of the holiday spirit. If you thought this story was uplifting and inspiring, show it to someone who enjoys helping those in need.