Man’s Impromptu Boogie-Woogie Piano Concert At Airport In Brussels Draws Crowd And Becomes Hit On Internet

Oct 31, 2020 by apost team

Good music can make an average day into a sublime one. This is particularly true if the music is carefully selected and masterfully performed. Danilo Cristaldi provided a rousing rendition of boogie-woogie that brought happiness to an unexpected location – an airport in Brussels, Belgium in 2019.

The Charleroi Airport

Like most airports around the world, Charleroi Airport is not somewhere people go to enjoy the scenery. It is merely a place where people come to focus on getting somewhere else. The Brussels, Belgium airport is not at all known as a cultural destination. But, as is the case with many public places, the airport managers have installed a public piano. It's located near a food court and provides an interesting way for travelers to spend a few minutes. This public piano is also a great place to hear some local talent.

Another Public Performance

On this day, Danilo Cristaldi sat down at the piano. The YouTube sensation had sat at many public pianos before this one. To passersby, this was an unremarkable sight until he began to play.

The airport's visitors immediately knew that this was not an amateur performance. The boogie-woogie music was upbeat and an unusual choice for the European airport. Moreover, the playing was excellent.

Brussels, It's Time To Fall In Love

Although only a few people stopped to listen at first, many people who were already standing nearby stopped to look toward the piano. As the music progressed, more travelers joined the group near the piano. By the end of the piece, the people in the corridor were looking energized and refreshed.

For the last minute or so, Cristaldi redoubles his efforts. After his performance, he ends with a sweeping glissando. The passersby and diners all unite in a booming round of applause.

Join The Song

The music of such a performance continues to reverberate online and in the audience's imagination long after it is over. Have you been privileged to provide music for a grateful crowd such as this one? Perhaps you've enjoyed a similarly memorable public performance. Take a few moments to add your voice to the chorus of gratitude for public music here, and pass this article on.

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