Manager Of Popular Fast Food Joint Pauses Service And Initiates Prayer for Employee Having Surgery For Breast Cancer

Jan 02, 2019 by apost team

It is no secret that Chick-fil-A relies heavily on faith as a cornerstone of its business practices.

The popular restaurant chain is even closed on Sundays so that employees can go to church and enjoy time with family.

But one employee took his commitment to faith to a whole new level recently.

At a North Carolina establishment, a manager made the time and effort to ask his fellow colleagues and customers to join him in prayer to ask God to take care of a fellow employee. The loving prayers were directed at Ms. Trish. The woman was not at work because she was undergoing surgery to treat her breast cancer.

The manager admitted that praying out loud was not his strength but that he was going to try for Trish. The restaurant got eerily quiet as he continued in his prayer and onlookers gathered around to join in.

The prayer was anchored by the manager's appreciation for his beloved employee and all that she does to keep the restaurant running. He pleaded with God to guide the hands of the surgeons so that the operation is a success. The manager's love for Trish was evident as he spoke of her light and involvement in their community.

An onlooker thought to take the video as the prayer was happening and post it on social media. While many people adore Chick-fil-A for their food, it is nice to see the positive influence they are also having on the community.

After you watch this touching video for yourself, be sure to spread the love of it to others. Let's show this Chick-fil-A manager how powerful his prayer can really be as it spreads across the internet. What do you think of this manager's actions? Would you have joined him in prayer too? Let us know!