Man Walks Across Thin Ice With Just A Rope To Save Neighbor's Dog Trapped In Frozen Pond

Feb 11, 2020 by apost team

Jeff Mann and his wife are proud of their property and the beautiful pond that rests in their backyard. While the pond is a lovely addition to their land, they have always known that it’s important to be careful around it during the winter months.

Even if the pond looks frozen, it can often be deceiving with ice that is too thin to be safe. This became obvious one day in particular when a dog found its way out on the thin ice.

Jeff had been gone all day when he returned home to notice that the frozen pond had been cracked and that something was thrashing around in the cold water. According to the Daily Mail, Jeff’s wife quickly recognized that it was a dog that had managed to make its way onto the ice and fallen through into the freezing water. Realizing that there wasn’t time to call for help, Jeff grabbed his boots and some rope. He wasn’t going to let this dog drown!

Although it was risky, Jeff was willing to put his own life on the line and possibly fall through if it was necessary to save the dog. Taking small steps across the ice, Jeff began tossing the rope toward the struggling dog, hoping that it would grab hold. As unlikely as it sounded, it was the only hope to rescue the animal.

After five failed attempts, Jeff gave the rope one last toss. This time, the dog was able to catch the rope in its mouth and clung to it, holding on for dear life. Giving a jerk on the rope, Jeff pulled the dog to safety where he was able to help it dry off and give it the support it needed to survive.

As it turns out, the drowning dog belonged to Jeff’s neighbor and frequently played with Jeff’s dog. Even now, Jeff told the News-Leader that he is stunned that the animal knew to grab onto the rope and hang on while Jeff pulled it to safety.

We’re so glad that this brave man was willing to do what was necessary to save this dog’s life! But we want to warn readers that it’s important to call for help if they encounter a similar situation.

Have you ever gone out of your way to save an animal? Let us hear your story in the comments section below and then invite your friends to read this story as well.