Man Transforms Double-Decker Into A Luxurious Home For 8

Mar 03, 2023 by apost team

You’ve probably heard of people buying old buses and converting them into homes. But have you ever heard of people selling their own houses and living on a bus instead to go on endless trips? Well, as crazy as it may sound, there was indeed a family of eight who sold their own home for nearly $240,000 and bought a double-decker bus which they transformed into a luxury mobile home. Yes, they swapped their suburban lifestyle into a life some people could only dream of. And now, they’re living the ultimate dream – having both a home and a bottomless 2-year trip wrapped into one.

In June 2020, Dane Eyerly and his wife, Deena Eyerly, decided to live as nomads. They were driving home after more than two weeks on the road when they saw the beauty of the Capulin Volcano in New Mexico, and they decided to leave their conventional lives behind and just pursue the nomad life.

At the time, Dane was working in a well-paying insurance technology start-up as its head of operations. Deena, a stay-at-home mom, went searching for the perfect home online until she found a 2009 Van Hool TD925 bus. They got the bus in September 2021, and it took them 20 months to successfully convert their double-decker bus into their home sweet home.

“This all came about while we were on a road trip in our van and we were rushing home to my job. I was just looking around the car and everyone was so happy. Really, it was the happiest we’d ever been. We didn’t want it to end,” he recalled.

At that point, Dane and Deena realized that there’s something more important than money – and that’s finding time for their family.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

“We’d been chasing money for years, but we suddenly realized that it was spending time with family that made us happy. We talked and said, ‘Why don’t we do this more?’ We didn’t need to be chained to a desk,” he said

In May 2021, they started having a yard sale before selling their house in Dallas, Texas.

On top of giving their children the chance to see the beauty of the United States of America, Dane said he particularly wanted his children to experience the culture and diversity that the great country has to offer.

“Our kids will get to see and experience America in such a different light. We’ve heard about how great America is, but we have barely seen it,” Dane said.

They sold their house in Dallas, Texas, for around $240,000 and spent nearly $600,000 converting a double-decker worth more than $100,000 to convert into a home for eight. But it’s not your ordinary bus – it’s a luxury double-decker bus which was previously a “hotel on wheels” that stopped operations during the pandemic.

It is complete with six sleeping pods, a master bedroom, two bathrooms, a full kitchen with an oven and induction stove, a washer and dryer, a fridge, a freezer, plenty of storage space, and yes, a rooftop cinema! The couple not also gave their family a conducive home to live in but also spots that could serve as recreation spaces for their children.

Dane then started working remotely as a business consultant while they traveled to cover all their expenses and needs.

While he admitted that leaving everything behind was difficult, Dane said, “Every day I wake up and think this is all a bit mad and a bit crazy. It’s not conventional by any means, but it feels right.”

What can you say about Dane and Deena Eyerly’s decision to leave their conventional lifestyle and live a nomad life? Would you also do the same? Let us know what you think, and pass this on to your family and friends!

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