Man Takes Dog Furniture Shopping So They Can Pick Out A Chair Together

Oct 24, 2019 by apost team

It’s no secret that there’s just something about the family dog, maybe all dogs for that matter, that just captures your heart. Dogs just have a way of becoming part of the family. With their big, sweet eyes and affectionate nature, dogs are an incredible addition to anyone’s life.

This is absolutely true for Aleecia Dahl’s grandpa, a man who never, ever thought he would be such a dedicated pup papa. He never expressed any interest in having a pooch as his roommate, he always thought pups were a lot of work and didn’t see the reward in investing all that time and energy in a four-legged friend.

That all changed when he looked into the big, sweet, loving eyes of Coco the pup.

"Coco is the dog Grandpa never wanted but cannot live without," Aleecia said when speaking to The Dodo. "They are the best of friends that he never knew he needed."

They do almost everything together where her Grandpa is allowed to bring his beloved pup. However, they do have a favorite pastime that they participate in nearly every day – relaxing and watching television or movies together in Grandpa’s chair.

There was a problem, though. The chair was old, threadbare, and Aleecia’s Grandmother wanted to upgrade the furniture when they moved. Grandpa agreed that the chair needed upgraded and he set out to pick out the perfect new chair. There was a hiccup, however. He couldn’t pick out a new chair without Coco’s approval!

According to Aleecia, her Grandpa wouldn’t even test out a chair in the store unless the footrest was big enough so he and Coco could both fit on the chair, watching television side by side. Her Grandpa actually brought Coco into several stores to test chairs, much to the delight of the showroom staff. Coco is a sweet, tiny little dog and the store’s associates didn’t have a problem with Coco testing out the chairs, as it isn’t every day a man and his pooch go chair-testing together.

According to Aleecia, her Grandpa wouldn’t even test out a chair in the store unless the footrest was big enough so he and Coco could both fit on the chair, watching television side by side. Her Grandpa actually brought Coco into several stores to test chairs, much to the delight of the showroom staff. Coco is a sweet, tiny little dog and the store’s associates didn’t have a problem with Coco testing out the chairs, as it isn’t every day a man and his pooch go chair-testing together.

Eventually, the best friends found a chair that was not only super comfy, but it also had plenty of room for them both to relax.

Isn’t it amazing how pets can simply melt your heart? Would you pick out furniture to accommodate your furry friend? Be sure to pass this adorable story along to anyone who loves their furry companion!