Man Reaches Out To Touch "Furry Animal" But Leaps Away In Fear As It Transforms Before His Eyes

Jan 17, 2019 by apost team

There's a reason we all "ooh" and "ahh" over cute, adorable animals. The pull of their cuteness is something almost no one can resist. This explains why whenever we see a fluffy dog walking down the street, it is almost second nature to reach out and pet it.

This inexplicable attraction to tiny, furry creatures is the reason that one man reached out to touch what he thought would be an adorable creature. Little did he know, he was in for a big surprise!

While most people know to leave well enough alone when adventuring in the wild, this wasn't the case for a pair of hikers that were a bit too curious for their own good. Though it's important to learn as much as you can while adventuring, it is also a good idea to exercise caution.

This curious hiker known as "Rada SC" was exploring the desert in northwestern Mexico when he stumbled upon a brown ball of fuzzy goodness. The creature he found was hibernating inside a small cave opening. Hoping he'd find a new furry friend, the hiker grabbed a stick to poke the creature and try to wake it up. It was at this moment that the hiker realized his mistake.

While the odds are that any animal they'd find on a desert hike might endanger them, the hiker and his friend didn't think to consider this. Hoping to be greeted with a warm and friendly response, the two men discovered what the "creature" really was: The men had stumbled upon a nest of spiders!

Though this nest was filled with harmless daddy long legs, anyone with even the slightest fear of spiders would likely pass out at the sight--especially if they were hoping to uncover a cute and cuddly animal! The two hikers shared their shocking encounter through a video that has now gone viral.

The video now has over 17 million viewers, some of whom were appalled while others defended the spiders' right to not be disturbed by humans that would do best to let sleeping spiders lie.

Whether or not you are deathly afraid of spiders or find the hikers' discovery humorous, this story is certainly not something that happens on a regular basis. If you find yourself on a hike, keep these two men in mind. Don't go out of your way to disturb wildlife--you never know what type of creature will awaken.

What a crazy story! What did you think of these hikers? Leave your thoughts in a comment below and don't forget to pass this along to any daredevils you know!