Man Is Filming Seagulls When He's Astonished To Capture Once-In-A-Lifetime Moment

Mar 06, 2019 by apost team

Going out whale watching is something a lot of people do on weekends. The problem is when you want to go whale watching may not be the time the whales want to come out and play. Even though whales are among the largest mammals on Earth, they can disappear and stay gone for a long time by just diving to the depths below.

When you see this video, you will appreciate just how awesome this encounter with whales really is.

A guy is sitting off the coast of Alaska taking some video of some seagulls playing around. All of a sudden, one of the most spectacular acts of nature happens right around him. He is astonished. We are astonished. You will be too.

An entire pod of whales emerges from the depths below, surrounding his boat on all sides. They are just looking to take a deep breath of fresh air before submerging again. However, the boat's occupant gets an up close and personal view of these majestic animals who decided to surprise him. And what a surprise it was.

One note of warning. There is a bit of foul language to be heard. The guy is completely shocked and spoke out of sheer astonishment.

How would you react if a pod of whales decided to pay you a visit while you are out boating? Let us know what you think and pass it along to any animal-lovers and let them see it for themselves.