Man Involved In Property Dispute Over A Building In His Yard Arrives Home To Find It Sliced In Half

Oct 25, 2019 by apost team

Courts across the country are filled with people trying to settle property disputes. However, a property dispute between an Ohio man and officials in his township has led to a most unusual resolution.

The problem began when Brett Galloway realized that a building owned by Ruggles Township in Ohio was partially on his property. Brett, who owns a farm adjacent to the township-owned building, says that he notified township officials of the problem.

The township did not dispute the fact that the back of the building, which was used as a township garage to store vehicles and equipment, was in fact on Brett’s property.

Despite the township's acknowledgement of the encroachment, Brett said that his efforts to resolve the situation were unsuccessful. He said that he worked on the issue for almost an entire year but could not reach an agreement with the township.

Brett felt that having another property dispute with the township already in court certainly did not help with negotiations.

After months of no progress on the issue, Brett was quite surprised to find that Ruggles Township officials had in fact taken steps to resolve the matter. With no notice at all, township officials literally cut the building right down the dividing line between Brett’s property and township property and installed a fence separating the two. However, the portion of the building that was on Brett’s property still remained in place.

‘It is pretty much the most ridiculous thing ever,' he was quoted as saying in Metro.

Brett and other local residents have questioned why local officials would waste time and money by both destroying the building and leaving the back of the building in place where it is still encroaching on Brett’s property.

The township has chosen not to comment on the matter and Brett is still deciding how he would like to proceed.

Send this story of a property dispute settled in a single slice to someone you know who would enjoy this tale of a township literally torn apart at the seams.