Man Helps Pup Live Life To The Fullest After She's Diagnosed With Cancer

Apr 22, 2019 by apost team

It is never a good time to hear about a cancer diagnosis. And when the diagnosis involves a loved one, it can spell the end of the world as you know it.

It was only a short time after college graduation for Robert Kugler when he received bad news.

Robert learned Bella, his nine-year-old Labrador was sick with cancer. Bella was given six months to live. 

The veterinarian who tended to Bella also informed Robert that his dog would need to have her leg amputated.

Robert decided the final months of Bella's life should be a joy for them both.

He decided the two of them would embark on a cross-country trip.

Tennessee, Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Massassachussetts are all places the duo has visited.

Robert, sadly, is no stranger to the horror of untimely death.

He is a marine veteran and his brother was killed in Iraq. Robert also lost a sister to an automobile accident.

The accident took place on Easter Sunday several years ago.

Robert explains that seeing people die before they have been provided with the chance to act on their dreams has really changed his perspective on things.

He says he understands there is no guarantee there will be a later date to follow your heart if you do not do it now.

The good vibes and times on the road trip seem to be just what Bella needed. After being given six months to live, Bella outlived her initial diagnosis.

Robert and Bella stayed on the road and enjoyed every moment they had together. He reposted a photo he originally posted not long after Bella's leg was amputated. Robert left a caption expressing how blessed he feels to still have his dog with him 14 months after the surgery.

Sadly, Bella finally passed away in 2016, about two years after her initial diagnosis.

Did you enjoy Robert and Bella's story? Do you think the road trip prolonged the life of the dog? Send this article to your friends and family to remind them that life is precious and should be enjoyed every day. It might brighten their day.