Man Graduates From Nursing School At Same College Where He Previously Worked As A Janitor

Oct 29, 2019 by apost team

The story of a young immigrant who started out working as a hospital janitor and recently graduated with a nursing degree is capturing the nation’s attention. Frank Baez’s recent graduation from the Rory Meyers College of Nursing at New York University (NYU) is the fulfillment of a life-long dream to help people.

Frank Baez moved to the United States with his mom when he was 15 years old. Before that his family lived in the Dominican Republic. To help his family make ends meet, Frank got a job working weekends as a janitor at NYU's Tisch Hospital when he was 17. A native Spanish-speaker, he recalls that he spoke very little English to Good Morning America.

Frank enjoyed working in the hospital, and two years later, he began work transporting patients. This gave him more interaction with patients and more exposure to the care patients were receiving from the doctors and nurses. Frank had to leave his job at the hospital when he left to attend Hunter College.

After college, he again found employment at NYU, this time as a unit clerk at the orthopedic hospital. He realized that he wanted a career in healthcare and with the encouragement of his co-workers, decided to pursue nursing. Frank felt that his ability to speak Spanish would be an important skill that he could use to make non-English speaking patients feel more at ease.

Frank entered an accelerated nursing program at NYU that allowed him to complete his nursing education in 15 months. Because he continued working full-time while attending school, his days were extremely long. Now that he has successfully completed the nursing program, Frank is focused on passing his licensing test so he can begin his new career as a nurse.

Send this story of hard work paying off to someone you know who is working hard to achieve their dreams.