Man From Arizona Finds A Creature That Looks Like A Spider-Scorpion Cross In His House

Dec 23, 2019 by apost team

Spiders are one of the most commonly misunderstood creatures in the world. While spiders might appear scary due to their fearsome visage and eight legs, they are of great benefit to the environment. Spiders are natural insect hunters, helping to control pest populations around the globe.

Individuals who fear spiders have what is known as arachnophobia, and an arachnophobe would certainly be terrified of the creature in our next story.

Thomas Acosta from Phoenix, Arizona, recently made viral news when he took pictures of a strange looking spider skulking around his house. The man was shocked by the animal’s bizarre appearance, having never seen anything like it in his 37 years as a resident of the Grand Canyon State, reports ABC 15. While thinking that others would also be amazed by the way the creature looked, he also hoped that someone would be able to identify it.

After consulting with an exterminator, Thomas was able to determine that his uninvited guest was a camel spider. Also known as a wind scorpion, the camel spider has traits of both spiders and scorpions but is classified as an arachnid. Among the species most interesting physical attributes are pinchers and a jaw, which you find in scorpions, and eight legs, which are the hallmark of spiders.

Many who are unfamiliar with arachnids might think that the camel spider has ten legs, but two of its appendages are actually chelicerae reports DesertUSA. In males, chelicerae transfers sperm to the reproductive system of females. The camel spider also has one of the largest jaw to body ratios in the animal kingdom. Once fully grown, camel spiders have been known to hunt birds, rodents, and lizards.

While Thomas was happy to hear that camel spiders are not poisonous and usually do not bother human beings, he nevertheless hired the exterminator to remove it from his home. Later speaking with reporters from ABC 15, Thomas said that he feared that it might harm his elderly pet.

What do you think of how this man discovered a camel spider living in his home? How would you react if you ever saw such a large spider in your home?