Man Found Photo Of Himself While Browsing Missing Persons Website

Apr 20, 2020 by apost team

After watching a news story in which another woman found herself on a missing persons website, 35-year-old Steve Carter decided to go on the website and do some browsing.

To his surprise, he found himself on a missing persons website. Having been adopted at age four from an orphanage in Hawaii, Carter had lived his whole life with his new parents in the suburbs of southern New Jersey and didn't expect to find himself on a missing persons website.

When news outlets were reporting about Carlina White's story, Steve Carter got curious. Carina White had found out that she was stolen rather than adopted after she found her baby picture on a missing persons website. Carter knew he had been adopted and was at peace, but at the age of 35 he decided to check the missing persons website himself.

It was 2012 when Carter found a photo of himself on the missing persons website. According to the local CBS Philadelphia news, where Carter had been living, the photo was posted by Carter's biological father. Carter's mother had allegedly put him up for adoption without notifying Carter's father.

While Carter was not kidnapped like Carlina White, he did have a more complicated adoption story than he had previously thought. 

The photo was a composite photo that had been made to look like him since the original missing person photos were of him as a baby in Hawaii. After consulting with friends, Carter concluded that the missing persons listing was indeed for him, and the website helped him to reconnect with his biological father, and a half-sister. 

According to CNN, Carter's father, Mark Barnes, had reported the baby missing after Carter's mother took the baby for walk and never returned. Since the discovery, Carter has told CNN that he will stay connected with his biological father and half-sister. However, as for Carter's mother, no one has had contact with her since the day she left Mark Barnes, sonless, in Hawaii. 

What do you think about Carter's story? Do you know of someone who has been through a similar, peculiar situation? Be sure to let us know your thoughts and pass this on to others so they can read Carter's unique and interesting story, too!