Man Comforts Bear After A Long Day And Gains Internet Fame

Jul 21, 2020 by apost team

Both humans and animals are able to experience a variety of emotions during the day. However, one of the most ubiquitous feelings is that of sleepiness and exhaustion. Sometimes after a long day, there's just nothing better than relaxing with one of your friends and taking it easy. That's exactly what happened at the Orphaned Wildlife Center in Otisville, New York, where a massive brown bear was in need of a little extra tender loving care back in 2018.

The owners of the sanctuary, Susan and Jim Kowalczik, have always had a fondness for wildlife, especially larger ones, as Shareably reports. They trained both with people in-the-know and developed their own personal techniques to deal with bears. Eventually, a bear weighing a massive 1,500 pounds was entrusted to their care, and the couple was only more than happy to oblige. They named the bear "Jimbo," and they planned to treat the big brown ball of fluff just like they would one of their own children. Whenever any of the gigantic creatures were having a day that looked like it was in the dumps, Jim and Susan would give them cuddles, words of affirmations and praise, and an extra treat or two to let them know everything would be alright.

The video opens up with Jim giving a bear hug to a big brown bear's face! You can clearly see the yellow gloves wrapped around the beast's jaws in almost an impromptu muzzle. Is the man in the brown coat trying to keep the bear from attacking him with its powerful teeth? Is he holding onto the bear for some sort of protection? As it turns out, the man takes a few steps back shortly after and proceeds to give the bear a good petting behind its left ear!

The brown behemoth just lays there with closed eyes, oblivious to all but the warm feeling of his human friend's touch. The bear is several times larger than the human, larger than almost any other bear we've seen! However, the man is far from fearful as he sits down next to the bear and slides off a glove. Reaching into his pocket, the man pulls out a bit of food for the oversized furball. After giving it a good sniffing, the bear laps some of it into its mouth with a wet tongue and begins to chew. The bear's claws look to be the size of the man's entire hand; just one swipe would be disastrous! However, the man is content to sit still and feed his furry friend.

The bear begins to lap at the top of the man's hand, resting his entire skull onto the pair of worn blue jeans underneath. After the bear finishes its snack, the man gives the bear a nice petting on its nose. The bear looks exhausted, and it just wants to lay down and enjoy its human friend's company. It nudges the man's leg, and the man reacts comically to the bear's strength. He gives the bear another hug around its face. They continue on like this for a few more seconds before the brown bear is released once again to go perform whatever tasks it desires.

The video has been uploaded to YouTube, where it has been shared thousands and thousands of times! Many commenters express fear for the man's safety, but others say that it's clear he's a trained rescuer who knows how to handle such large animals.

Would you or your friends ever have the guts to give a bear a hug? Would you be worried about being rejected by a pair of claws? We know we would be! Let us know your grizzly thoughts in the comments. And be sure to pass this incredible video on to fellow animal lovers.