Man Adopts Sick Fox And Quickly Forms Lasting Friendship

Jan 29, 2020 by apost team

Mike Trowler adopted a wounded fox. He gave it a good home, and he helped it recover. The fox was named Cropper.

Cropper was found alongside a street in England by a charity called The Fox Project. This charity is dedicated to rescuing foxes. When the fox was examined, it was found to have toxoplasmosis. It was determined that the animal would have to be euthanized or put up for adoption. Fortunately, it was put up for adoption and adopted by a very kind man.

Foxes look like canines, and they make a purring sound like cats, but they are not domesticated animals. Domesticating these wild animals isn’t easy.

Since Mike was accustomed to caring for wounded foxes and making friends with them, he had no problem with letting Cropper live with him. The fox got comfortable in its new home, and Mike helped to restore its health. It liked belly rubs and snuggling with the cats in the house.

Unfortunately, Cropper passed away six years later. The fox had a great life while he was with Mike, and it was well taken care of. This fox and its owner had a wonderful relationship, and Mike meant as much to Cropper as Cropper meant to Mike.

Mike later took care of baby foxes that had to be cared for prior to being released to go out and live on their own. He also took a full grown fox into his home and adopted him. Mike named him Jack.

Although Jack is a wild animal, he doesn’t act wild. You can find him playing ball with Mike or watching television. When he’s tired, you might find him fast asleep in Mike’s arms.

Mike bathes Jack so that he doesn’t stink up the house. Foxes can smell pretty awful. Though foxes aren’t considered ideal pets, Jack is the exception to this rule.

See what life is like for Mike and Jack in the video below. Invite those you know to watch it and read about this unusual friendship.