Lost Cat Reunites With Little Girl And Cannot Wait To Curl Up In Her Arms

Sep 06, 2019 by apost team

In the ongoing saga of cats vs. dogs, dog owners point out that cats aren't emotionally attached when it comes to their owners. The fact is, these are dog owners who haven't had the experience of owning a cat. Many cats are as affectionate as dogs- without the slobbering! They love their people. In today's story, a little girl is surprised when her family restores her kitten to her after the little pet was lost. Not only does she recognize her cat named Chloe, but Chloe does something many people wouldn't expect.

Chloe had gotten lost and was missing for some time before her family found her again. They decided to bring her back to her young owner by telling the girl there was a surprise in her room. The girl went to her room but was nervous about what kind of surprise might be waiting for her there. Inside, she saw only a family member lying on the bed. But he revealed the real surprise: her missing kitten Chloe!


It's obvious from the pair that they share a deep bond. The girl recognized her pet immediately. The cat ran to her girl and fully expected to be swept up in her arms. Is there anything more beautiful than a child and a pet who know that they belong to each other? That cat was utterly relaxed and relieved to be in her human's arms. She lay in her arms and just soaked her up, purring like an engine.

The little girl was moved to tears by the overwhelming wave of feelings she was experiencing. It's a moving scene, and we're grateful for the chance to be reminded of how each of us shares connections with others.

If you're a cat lover, a warm-pet-story lover, or you love your family, let your friends see this video so they can enjoy the warmth as well. In today's news world, this kind of stuff is necessary to offset the bleak stuff we hear about all too often. Happy endings do happen, and they matter a lot to the people who are in them.