Little Boy With Down Syndrome Meets His Baby Brother And His Sweet Reaction Is Going Viral

Apr 17, 2019 by apost team

Babies will always be fascinated by the presence of another baby. And if you have ever had the good fortune of viewing this fascination firsthand, you know there is nothing quite like it. It is something special about watching one adorable human being enjoying the adorability of another.

One of these special moments was recently caught on tape when a young boy named Kent first met his brother Noah.

The video of the meeting is sure to melt your heart away.

The four-year-old had wondered for months why his mother's stomach had grown so large. Of course, he was given the answer; there was a little brother on the way. However, everyone was unprepared for the love and excitement showed by Kent when he was taken to the hospital for the meeting with his younger brother.

The video begins with Kent racing down the hallway of the hospital. The shirt he is wearing is inscribed with the words 'Big Brother.' The excitement shows clearly on his face as he continues to make his approach.

His father lifts Kent high enough from the floor so that he can see his little brother in the bed.

Kent's face lights up immediately.

Their mother holds the baby closer to Kent so he can get a better look. Kent responds by placing a kiss on his younger brother.

Kent was allowed to hold his younger brother next. He clapped excitedly before his brother was placed in his lap. Kent smiles and looks to his parents before planting another kiss on his brother.

You will see in the video Kent is totally fascinated with his younger brother. You can see at one point, Kent checking out his brother's extended foot.

The video was uploaded by Kent's grandmother who explained her four-year-old grandson suffers from Down Syndrome and has been waiting for a long time to meet his baby brother.

Grandma goes on to say Kent is at the time nonverbal but makes great effort to communicate. She says there is no doubt in her mind he will make a great older brother.

The video of the brother's meeting is adorable.

The two of them will surely look back on this video when they are older with happiness.

But for now, the video is available for the enjoyment of all of us. Watch it below:

Do you agree Kent will be a great older brother? Do you have any siblings that you just love to shower with love and affection? Show this video to your friends and family. They will definitely thank you.