Landowner's Legendary Prank Ensures Trespassing Fishermen Finally Leave His Lake

Dec 18, 2019 by apost team

Ever heard the saying about there being more than one way to skin a fisherman? Okay, well, the original saying may have involved a cat, but lake owner Tom Mabe just applied it to two trespassing fisherman in a way you won't forget in a hurry.

Owning land always lends itself to the potential for intrusive trespassers, especially when there’s a lake full of fish and two fisherman on the prowl nearby. So, what’s a landowner to do?

You can call the authorities, and hope the trespassers aren't gone by the time they arrive or flee when they see them coming. You can go out to politely ask them to leave each time they pop by to steal your fish. Or, you can turn them into the bait for a hilarious prank. Tom Mabe opted for the latter. The results left the stunned trespassers thinking twice about helping themselves to someone else’s lake and will have you flailing on the ground laughing. The best part? It’s all on video.

You’ll see the two fisherman leisurely sitting around like they own the place. Their poles are in the water, and they’re making no attempt to hide that they’re brazenly fishing in a lake that’s on private property.

That’s when Mabe appears wearing a white jumpsuit. He has a walkie-talkie and hand-held meter to make the look authentic. You’ll notice he never identifies himself as any sort of authority; he just informs the “subjects” that he has a contamination reading on his meter.

He asks the two fisherman to come away from the water so they can remove their clothes and be decontaminated. The two stunned trespassers appear as confused as they are nervous as they ask why they need to remove their clothes.

Mabe explains its perspiration and how they don’t want to carry anything home to their families. When the men ask how serious the situation is, Mabe alerts them they’re on a radioactive cavity and questions how they didn’t see the signs everywhere. Of course, the fishermen trespassers point to where they jumped a fence as explanation for why they didn’t see any signs.

Now that they’ve grasped the seriousness, the two trespassers want to know why they have to strip right then and there verses just going to a lab or something. Mabe thinks fast, though. He says that removing them from the scene would contaminate the neighborhood.

Mabe assures the men that the spray “decontamination” won’t hurt and even has “a good taste to it.” They take their shirts off and ask if they need to take everything else off. Mabe tells them pants need to come off, too.

What do you think? Do the trespassing fishermen take the bait and strip down for Mabe to spray them off? Here’s a hint – there’s jumping jacks involved later. Watch the video for the satisfying conclusion to this clever trespassing prank.

Leave us a comment with your thoughts on the prank. Feel free to tell us about your own trespassing pranks. Don’t forget to pass this along to friends who have a trespassing problem or just need a good daily laugh.