Kirk, A Female Border Collie, Watching Herself Win The 2017 Purina Pro Challenge

Sep 10, 2018 by apost team

We all could take some lessons from Kirk the Border Collie. Kirk was caught on video reliving her success and accomplishments from a big win at a competition last year.

Participating in competitions is nothing new for Kirk, though. Last year she won the 2017 Small Dog Agility competition at an event hosted by Purina Pro Plan, called the 2017 Incredible Dog Challenge Western Regionals.

Kirk excitedly watches her own victory, and it was caught on video by her owner and handler, Channan Frosty. The cute Collie can be seen watching a video of herself running through an obstacle course from the competition.

Some believe that while Kirk joyously watches her own victory, she's also using it as a learning tool for her next competition.

According to Kirk's handler, the inspiration for her name came from, "the esteemed masculine Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise."

What do you think the cute Collie Kirk is thinking about while she recaps her success? Ask your friends what they think!