Kindergartener Wears Grandma's Dress To School But When She's Forced To Change, Mom Fires Back

May 03, 2019 by apost team

For most 5-year-old girls, learning to dress themselves and becoming independent is a huge and fun part of who they are at that age. This was no exception for Emily Stewart’s little girl.

She sent her daughter to school wearing a very specific dress. This dress was quite special to her as it was a gift from her grandmother.

She was very excited and couldn’t wait to wear it and show it off to her friends.

Without any hesitation or second thoughts, Stewart sent her daughter to school in this special dress. She sported it paired with a sweater and over a pair of jeans.

Her daughter attends primary school in Minnesota. When her daughter returned home, she wasn’t wearing the same clothes. This led to quite some confusion for Stewart.

The little one was now wearing a pink t-shirt and her sundress was no longer in the picture. Stewart asked why she was now wearing a shirt and where her sundress had gone. Her daughter began to cry.

Stewart later found out that this wasn’t the first time her daughter had cried over the dress that day. She also shed quite a few tears in the nurse’s office.

Stewart was informed that earlier that day her daughter had removed her sweater when she had become warm.

Instead of the teacher asking her to simply put the sweater back on, she decided that the little girl needed to change as she deemed her outfit too risqué.

Stewart doesn’t believe this was ok and is speaking out about the situation. She believes that the parents should be 100% in charge of deciding what’s appropriate or not for their own child to be wearing.

She feels that if the school thinks that a child’s outfit isn’t ok, a discussion should be held with the parent before any further actions are taken. She feels that her daughter’s privacy was violated and that was done without anyone’s, especially her, consent.

Check out the video to see the dress and hear more about the story:

Do you think this dress is appropriate for a 5-year-old? Do you think that it was ok for her to be forced to change her outfit? Be sure and send this on to all the school parents you know to see what they think, too.