Keith Urban Sings National Anthem For First Time With Pure And Dynamic Voice

Sep 07, 2020 by apost team

Keith Urban is so talented and has been in the spotlight for years. Would you ever believe that he hasn't sung the national anthem at a game before now? We wouldn't have either!

Just like everything else he does, his rendition of the national anthem is wonderful. He stepped up to the mic before the Ducks vs. Predator game in 2017 and hit it out of the park. If you haven't had the opportunity to see this performance, now is the time.

Be sure to scroll down this article to see the full video :-)

Keith Urban has done it all right. Nothing seems to challenge him too much. And this performance is no exception. As you listen, you'll see that the crowd loves him here just as they do at any of his other performances.

With his voice on point and sounding very natural as he always does, he makes runs that would impress anyone. This game held in Nashville was the perfect setting for Urban since this is where his home is, reports NHL.

Urban was able to set the mood for the game with no problem. It's not likely his fans will forget this night for a very long time, even forever! Check out this video and have a listen for yourself. It's sure to get you in a patriotic mood or maybe wanting to listen to some country music by Keith Urban! Be sure to send this on to some country fans and see what they think about it.

Would you be excited if Keith Urban sang the national anthem at a game you were attending? Let us know in the comments below and send this along to your family and friends!

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