Jimmy And Rosalynn Carter Mark Their 73rd Wedding Anniversary

Jul 09, 2019 by apost team

The former president and first lady, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter achieve yet another milestone as they celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary over the weekend. Although this would be a major achievement for any couple, it is just a small accomplishment on their long list of victories and successes. 

The former president had first spotted Rosalyn in their home town of Plains, Georgia. He told the Washington Post that he asked her out, and after their first date Jimmy told his mother he was going to marry Rosalyn. The couple was first married on July 7th, 1946, Jimmy was 21 years old while Rosalyn was only 18. 


Jimmy swiftly sunk his time into politics and winning elections, Rosalyn was his unwavering support system and partner, one of their greatest achievements together is when Jimmy became the 39th president of the United States.

After leaving office, the couple devoted their time to supporting human rights along with founding the Carter Center an organization that “seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health” according to its mission.

Now into their older years, the couple lives a simple life back in the small town where they both were born. The pair told People that their long marriage is because of their shared passion for the service of others. They have built houses in Nepal and fought river blindness alongside one another with the Carter Center.

Keep up all the hard work! And congratulations on 73 years together! 

Do you know a couple who has been together as long as the Carters have? Tell us in the comments. What do you think is the key to a long partnership? Pass this article along to your friends and family who would like some inspiration.