Jason Momoa Plays Ozzy Osbourne In Music Video And It's Superb

Sep 16, 2020 by apost team

Jason Momoa played the role of Ozzy in his teaser for a new song called "Scary Little Green Men," stepping into the shoes of the 'Prince of Darkness.'

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Rising in popularity thanks to his hit role in AquamanJason Momoa is now a well-known actor and heartthrob. While many can praise his excellent acting skills, few have noticed his love for heavy metal music. Listening to bands like Metallica and Pantera in his younger years, Momoa told Metal Hammer that many of his acting performances were inspired by the look and feel of these heavy metal bands. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Momoa would be familiar with Ozzy Osbourne and his crazy, forward antics.

We all know the 'Prince of Darkness' does not play around when it comes to keeping up his hardcore persona. While the music video that Jason Momoa appeared in was no doubt of the same style, Jason's boyish charm still managed to win us over. Trying to sport a more gothic and hardcore image, Momoa manages to pull off a slightly darker look that is surprisingly attractive. Not that we would expect anything else from this heartthrob. In a behind-the-scenes video of the teaser, Momoa jokes that he is sporting more of a Jack Sparrow look, as he attempts to fit into the signature music video.


Sharing a photo on Instagram of himself with legendary guitarist, Slash, Jason Momoa is an actor who is still starstruck himself when he meets rock idols in person. Talking to Slash and spending the day riding motorcycles and shooting arrows was a once in a lifetime experience even for the successful actor.

Despite Ozzy's Parkinson's disease diagnosis, this rocker is committed to not letting his health condition get the best of him, reports Bright Humanity. Canceling TV appearances and other paid performances because of his condition, Momoa was more than willing to fill in for this video when the 'Prince of Darkness,' himself, could not.

In an interview with "Good Morning America," Ozzy described the pain that he goes through daily knowing that he is not the man he used to be. Feeling down because of his inability to provide for his family as he once used to, we can all say that Ozzy Osbourne continues to hold a special spot in our hearts.

While stepping in for Osbourne, but not overshadowing his vision, Jason Momoa got the chance of a lifetime when he was able to play a part in this music video.

If you enjoyed this story about actor Jason Momoa appearing in a metal music video portraying Ozzy Osbourne, let your friends see the "new" Momoa in goth and hardcore attire!

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