Jack Russell Pup Has Unlikely Friendship With Jaguar

Jul 16, 2020 by apost team

It is no secret that videos of unique animal friendships are sure to draw some major attention. When a video from September 2017 recently surfaced of the friendship between a Jack Russell dog and a jaguar, it quickly drew a wide fanbase across the world. This is certainly a friendship that most would not expect.

The video that shows the unique interactions between this Jack Russell and the jaguar is definitely one that defies normal expectations. The normal expectation of the interaction between a Jack Russell and a jaguar would be an untimely end for the dog.

This is because of the amazing hunting skills that these big cats possess. In this case, it is clear that this is one charming Jack Russell that was able to work its way into the heart of this big cat.


It Didn't Take Long For Jack Russell Bullet to Make a New Friend

The name of this charming Jack Russell is Bullet. He recently became a resident at South Africa's Akwaaba Lodge and it is there that he met another resident in the form of Jag the jaguar.

Though it comes as a shock to many that have seen the video, Bullet quickly became close friends with this jaguar and they now spend a large amount of their time together. Whether it is meal time, nap time, or playtime, this unusual pair of friends spend it together and they enjoy every second of it.

The fact that Bullet met up with Jag when the jaguar was still young has probably been a major contributing factor to the unique friendship. Their friendship is the perfect example of the boundless potential that love allows for.

This is even true when speaking of two animals from different branches of the animal kingdom. It looks very possible that this is a friendship that could end up being a lifelong commitment.

This Video Proves the Fact That Looks Are Often Deceiving

When one first sees this video of Bullet the Jack Russel and Jag the jaguar, they might think that Bullet is in trouble. What quickly becomes apparent is the fact that these two have a strong bond and really do enjoy each other's company. This pair of unexpected animal friends love to do everything together and it has warmed the hearts of the countless viewer around the world that have tuned-in to their antics.

When a video of a Jack Russell named Bullet and a Jaguar named Jag hit the internet, people were both surprised and pleasantly pleased by the friendship that they saw. They did not expect these two very different animals to have such a strong bond with one another but it quickly became apparent that this was the case.

Watching them romp around together and enjoy each other's company has warmed the hearts of countless viewers around the world that have turned into this unique friendship.

What was your initial reaction when you first saw the video of Jag and Bullet? Where you as shocked as many others have been that a dog and a jaguar could develop such a close and loving friendship? Were you glued to your screen watching them enjoy each other's company whether it was meal time, nap time, or playtime?

If you were immediately drawn in by the sight of this unique bond between two animals, then pass it along to others that you know so that they can enjoy the video as well.