It Only Takes This 1 Simple Ingredient To Eliminate Your Ant, Roach, Or Flea Problem

Sep 05, 2018 by apost team

Did you know that you can fend off insect infestations with non-toxic, natural ingredients? Toxic fumes don't play a part in this solution, which helpfully eliminates insect issues. If you're sick of your traps not working, this 1 ingredient may be the answer to all your problems.

We've all been there: dealing with fleas in the carpet, roaches in the sink, or ants in the cupboards. Pest infestations can be both nasty and costly. Exterminators are expensive, and you don't want to put toxic chemicals down in your living area. But if you're sick of traps not working, chemical fumes, and insects invading your space, there's a non-toxic and natural way to rid your home of them.

Boric Acid Is What You Need

For decades, people have been using boric acid to control their garden and household pets. This acid, a chemical cousin to Borax, helps to destroy the stomach lining of the insects and interfere with their digestive tracts. After the insects ingest the powder, it's not long before they're out of sight and out of mind.

That said, you don't want to go sprinkling powder on every surface in the home. But these tips can help you get rid of your pest problem without needing a vacuum for the aftermath.

Baking for Bugs

Cockroaches are famous for being some of the most resilient, stubborn creatures on the planet. It's incredibly difficult to get them out of your space once they're there.

Give your friendly household cockroaches Borax bombs mixed with yolk. That's all you need to do. Mix the egg yolks of hard-boiled eggs with a mixture of Borax and white sugar. The result is a cockroach-appealing meal that helps get rid of your unwanted guests.

The majority of animals love sweet things, and ants continue to play by this rule. Worker ants will eat liquids as the queen and the queen's babies eat solid food. To destroy the whole colony, you need both solid and liquid baits.

Mix your Borax and powdered sugar into a 1:3 ratio, with 1/4 a cup of Borax to 3/4 a cup of sugar. This will create a paste. To make liquid, mix 1/4 of Borax with a 3/4 cup of maple syrup or honey.

If the ants are in the garden, place the bait on a plastic lid to keep your plants from being harmed.

Fighting Back Against Flea Infestations

Fleas are an irritating critter to have in your home, and it's all-too-common for them to infest carpets and other areas. Borax acts as an awesome flea control, with one treatment able to kill eggs and fleas for up to an entire year.

Before you do anything else, vacuum your home incredibly thoroughly. This includes moving your furniture and vacuuming beneath it.

Once that's done, sprinkle the acid directly into your carpet, your furniture creases, and any other areas that fleas might like hiding. Use a small broom handle to work the Borax into your fabrics.

Allow the powder to work for a period of at least 36 hours. Then partake in normal vacuuming to get rid of your dead flea bodies.

More Ways to Keep Away Bugs

These natural and safe traps help with infestations, but there are also ways to drive pests outside before the infestation becomes terrible.

Bugs enter a person's home in search of shelter, food, or water. Eliminate the sources of these things by patching your leaky pipes, securing your food, and patching holes in the wall.

Make sure you get the nasty food residue around and inside your garbage can, as well as nooks and crannies behind furniture and appliances. Along your home's perimeter, check for bug burrows and ant nests.

Being proactive is the best way to deal with bugs. As soon as you see any, you should start laying out the glue and bait traps.

What works better for you: store-bought traps or this homemade life hack? Let us know in the comments and show this to your friends and family so they can decide for themselves!