Inventor Creates High Voltage Ejector Bed

Dec 01, 2019 by apost team

If you stuggle to get out of the bed in the morning, this unique bed might be for you. This ejector bed isn’t one you can snooze or sleep through. It just shoots you straight out of bed.

If that isn’t enough for you, it also blares horns and bells and flashes lights. This crazy invention was created by Colin Furze who also invented retractable Wolverine claws. Now, he has a whole new invention for us. When it is time for you to get out of bed, this bed makes sure to get the job done. Its noisy, its bright, and most importantly, it throws you out of bed!

Like his other inventions, this ejector bed was created in Furze’s garage and made by himself. A normal air-compressor powers this device and helps throw you out of your bed before you oversleep. He makes it all and assembles it himself.

Do you still need convincing that this bed will wake you up? Are you someone who really needs a kickstart in the morning? Try setting it to the max setting! You will literally be launched from the bed and possibly even hit the wall at the other end.

There is no way for you to sleep through that. If you really want to get creative, put your clothes at the end of your bed to make for a quick morning. Get out of bed while getting dressed at the same time! Watch this video to see just how Colin built the bed and exactly how it works!

Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? Do you know someone who really struggles to pull themselves up and start their day? This bed will wake them right up! Show them this video and let us know what you think!