Internet Slams Mother Because She Refuses To Teach Daughter Abstinence

Oct 20, 2021 by apost team

Parenting is a hard job, and everyone navigates it in their own way, following methods that work for them. Friends, family members, books and even strangers on the internet typically have plenty of advice to offer to other parents, but at the end of the day, every mom and dad is going to parent their child in a way that best suits them.

A mom by the name of Michelle Flomin started sharing her parenting journey with her husband on various forms of social media, including TikTok and YouTube. They share content about what they choose to teach their daughter and all of the experiences parenthood has provided them. Most importantly, Flomin has shared several life lessons along the way.

In mid-October 2021, Flomin posted a TikTok that shared some of her most controversial parenting techniques. She also uploaded the same video on her and her husband’s shared YouTube account called Ely & Michelle. Although some viewers agreed with some of the points Flomin brought up about her personal parenting methods, several users flooded the comment sections with concerns about something she chose not to teach her child.

Flomin explained that she wasn’t going to teach her daughter about abstinence, something that didn’t sit well with a majority of TikTok users. Many users left comments condemning her decision and questioned why she didn’t feel it was necessary to teach her daughter about the topic. The video has continued to circulate across social media, going viral and sparking a debate and what parents should and shouldn’t teach their children.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 

In her now-viral TikTok, Flomin explained: “Things I do as a mom that make TikTok mad. I let my daughter curse. I won’t teach her abstinence. I don’t use ‘pet names’ for body parts.” She was aware that some of her views might be seen as controversial, but she posted the video anyway. As she explained in her YouTube channel’s description, she hopes to continue to share hard experiences and what she learns from them, sharing both the good and the bad parts of being a parent.

The TikTok has since received 2 million views, with some users agreeing with Flomin. One user commented, “This makes me happy. People who get mad are the ones in the wrong.” Another said, “I like your parenting style! When we have kids we decided to do these things too!”

However, several people called out Flomin and her parenting methods. One user said, “I feel for the baby, too much freedom is just the easy excuse for not doing your job as a parent.” Another user commented, “I have a legit question, can you explain why you won’t teach abstinence? No judgement!” Flomin replied, “It’s not important to me that she waits until marriage. I just want her to feel safe and ready and use birth control.”

The mom continued explaining her viewpoints in various comments in the comment section. “I don’t think abstinence is a particularly healthy thing and it’s definitely unrealistic,” she said. She also said she doesn’t care “if my kid waits until her husband or her wife.” Ultimately, Flomin explained that as long as her daughter was safe, happy and healthy, then she didn’t mind if she chose to practice abstinence or not.

What do you think about this mom’s approach to parenting? Do you agree with her methods? Let us know, and be sure to pass this on to your family and friends, too.

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