In The End, Every Man Feels Sorry For Losing The Woman, Who Did Not Give Up On Him While He Took Forever To Sort His Life

Nov 22, 2018 by apost team

Guys, it is time to get serious about your relationships. When you find a good woman, she is always worth investing your time and effort. Ignore the Hollywood movies that say that you will never argue or have a single problem if you are truly in love. Real love is not like that.

Ignore all of the stories about women waiting at home and remaining faithful while their guy figures out what he wants. The woman you want to be with will not be like that. What type of person waits around hoping that their boyfriend comes back to them? Who has time for that?

You want a partner who is your equal. The last thing you need is someone who only lives for you and waits forever while you build your career. The right woman is focused on improving herself, building her career and becoming the type of person you want to be with.

She is not going to wait around forever or put up with your uncertainty.

Romantic comedies are not real. In reality, you will find a partner who gives you a chance. If she is really in love with you, she might give you a second or a third chance. Once she decides that you are not worth it, she will leave and never look back.

Your girlfriend will probably give you more chances than you deserve because she loves you. She can believe in you on days when you find it impossible to believe in yourself. She will do everything she can to help you live up to your true potential.

Sometimes, a good partner will remain in a bad relationship just because she sees your potential. At some point, she will realize that there is no point in continuing the relationship. When she reaches that realization, she is through with the relationship and will never come back.

Once she moves on, she will start to remember the freedom she had before the relationship. She will quickly realize that she was wasting her time on you and focus on becoming the best person that she can possibly be. Even if you do everything possible to win her heart again, she will ignore your efforts.

Some guys try to rationalize this experience by saying that the relationship was not right. It could not possibly be their fault, so it must be their ex-girlfriend's fault. At night, they console themselves by saying that it just was not the right match.

The reality is that no one will hang around and be just an option for you. Your girlfriend wants to be your partner in life. She is not going to hang around and put up with the drama for long. No one can hang around forever in the desperate hope that you figure out what you want.

She may have been the person who left, but she did not make that decision on her own. Each choice you made to prioritize your work or friends over her contributed to her decision. When she does eventually leave you, you will instantly regret that you lost such a special partner.

You had unconditional support and love, but now you are left with nothing.

Even when you try to ignore the truth, your heart will tell you that you were wrong. You had the perfect woman, but you lost her. Sometimes, you will not realize your role in ending the relationship until the same thing happens with your next girlfriend. Agency

When that realization strikes, it cuts deeply through your heart. You pushed the most amazing woman away because you did not know what you wanted in a relationship. You had no clue that she was the perfect partner for you until it was too late.

Have you ever been in a similar relationship? Let us know your thoughts and make sure to send this article to your friends who might be in the same situation.