Impressive Teen Dancer Challenges Silver Statue To An Epic Dance-off

May 23, 2018 by apost team

There's nothing better than dancing to get your heart pumping and your spirit flying; everyone should dance, even if no one is watching, but only the bravest take their talents to the public.

One of these brave souls is a street performer who goes by Eclipse. His creativity and unique look make him a must-see attraction for many passers-by. But one young man took it a step further and, to the rest of the crowd's delight, challenged Eclipse to a Dubstep dance-off!

As the young man, going by Noster the Dancer, began his epic jaw-dropping performance to the Dubstep raging in the background Eclipse watched him like, well, a statue until his turn is up. Eclipse doesn't disappoint and in his own style, he counters the teens routine with his own smooth moves.

As the rival dancer's routines become more impressive and the crowd of smiling people gets bigger it's obvious that everyone, dancers included, is having a great time.

It's obvious as the sick beats continue that both Noster and Eclipse are giving this impromptu challenge everything they've got and they're loving every minute of it!

When the music ends the crowd cheers and applauds wildly and the dancers nod and gesture their mutual respect for one another.

It's hard to say which of these awesome dancers was the winner and really, what does it matter. What matters is that everyone had a great time. After all, it's not every day you get to witness a spontaneous dance-off between two amazing artists!

Check out this awesome boogie battle yourself in the video below and decide the winner for yourself! It's guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. Be sure to show it to someone else who could use a little sunshine in their day!