If You've Fallen For The Wrong Person, Remember These 25 Things

Nov 15, 2018 by apost team

1. The wrong person will only lead you to the right person. Let them ease you along the way.

2. It's never your fault when people leave you! You aren't in control of someone else's actions.



3. You can't change someone's inner self. You must remember that!

4. Love is a combination of itself along your partner's ability to have a relationship complete with the understanding of each other's needs.

5. You must keep putting your love out there! It will find its way back to you when you are expecting it the least.


6. Take care of yourself, first and foremost! You are your own best ally. You deserve the most attention.

7. Live your current life, learn from its past, and look forward to your future. Don't dwell on wasted efforts!

8. Be yourself! It's not about pleasing people or impressing them. It's about you letting your true self shine and being loved for who you are. It's about you being you!


9. You can't control whom someone else loves any more than someone else can control whom you love.

10. Your heart will not stop loving. Even if you feel that it is so broken that it will never mend, it will eventually mend. It lives to love!


12. You will trust people again. You're just on the path of finding the person whom is worthy of your trust. One day, you will find that person.

13. Now is your newfound time to strengthen or reaffirm relationships in other parts of your life. Let this experience make you stronger!


14. You will be able to stand alone with confidence in yourself. You do not need someone else to make you complete.

15. Love just happens! It isn't pursued. It can't be chased. It is sneaky and will creep up on you when you're not looking.


16. If your genuine love isn't sincerely returned, the sanctity of your heart is at risk. You can't force love.

17. Throughout your life, you will continue to amaze yourself with your ability to heal yourself through times of personal pain. Each of our personal experiences, both good and bad, make us stronger.

18. You have the strength to face anything that life has to challenge you with.


19. Your heart will only continue to grow stronger each time it's broken.

20. Don't let someone else slow you down or hold you back. You deserve the best and won't be able to achieve it if you allow negativity to permeate your life.

21. You will be happy one day and have the knowledge that you got there by following your heart.


22. We spend too much time trying to figure out why our hearts are pulling us in different directions instead of just letting our hearts lead the way. If we relax out hearts, love will find a way to settle in.

23. You will never stop learning. Life has a way of consistently leading you down paths of new experiences and people. The journey never ends until it ends.


24. Love isn't found. It isn't looked for. It just knows!

25. There is no one else like you on this entire planet! You are unique! You are special! You matter! You are brave! You will be all right! You are strong! You will find love!

Have you ever been in a relationship you knew just wasn't quite right? Let us know in the comments and show this article to your friends and family - you never know who might need to hear this right now.