If You're Dating A Virgo, Here Are 14 Things You Need To Remember

Dec 04, 2018 by apost team

Being with a Virgo is not always the easiest adventure. A Virgo man or woman can be quite difficult to figure out, but when you finally get to know them, their incredible qualities will make up for the difficulties. But before you make that date with a Virgo, read on for some important facts you may wish to know about this particular Zodiac sign.

14 Important Virgo Facts


1. You’ll never meet anyone sexier than a Virgo


Once you are introduced to a Virgo, you will find them difficult to physically resist. Have you found yourself attracted to someone you normally would blow off? It’s probably because they are a Virgo.

2. A Virgo is always in control


You don’t ever want to tell a Virgo what they should be doing. That’s because you will be wrong, no matter what. They want to be in control all of the time.

3. A Virgo never loses


A Virgo is a strong person. However, they can be manipulative and cunning when it comes to getting what they want. They don’t like to lose and will do what they have to in order to come out on top.

4.Virgos can be extremely private people


Don’t worry if they take a while to announce their relationship with you. They aren’t embarrassed to be with you or anything, it is just the type of person that they are.

5. Virgos can be nosy


Sure, they are secretive when it comes to their own private business. When it comes to others, that is another story altogether! They are very curious people.

6. Virgos love all things dark


Virgos enjoy shows like Law and Order and Criminal Minds. What may be disturbing to others are fascinating to them. They love dark things.

7. Virgos are sarcastic


They really aren’t trying to be mean. Sarcasm just comes very naturally to them!

8. A Virgo does not care what other people think


Virgos are truly happy with who and what they are.

9.Virgos are very honest


If you don’t want the whole truth, don’t ask a Virgo.

10.Virgos can be psychic sometimes

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A Virgo often knows exactly what you are about to say before you say it. They often predict the future, as well.

11.Virgos are fiercely protective people


If someone has done you wrong, a Virgo will show up to take care of the issue for you. They are protective of those they love.

12.Virgos are very resourceful


They are very helpful when it comes to getting you out of a jam or planning an event.

13. Virgos know when someone is lying


They have a good sense of the people around them. Don’t try to get away with a lie!

14. Virgos can be vindictive


You don’t ever want to hurt a Virgo. They WILL plot your revenge.

Is this an accurate depiction of a Virgo? Have you ever dated a Virgo or are you one yourself? Tell us in the comments and pass this on to friends and loved ones who are Virgos as well.