Identical Twin Sisters Both Score Perfect 4.0 GPA And Graduate High School As Co-Valedictorians

Jun 28, 2019 by apost team

Have you seen anything as amazing as the identical twins who have achieved as much at high school as Tia and Tyra Smith? The identical twins have not only achieved a GPA of 4.0 but they have become co-valedictorians for their graduating class along with completing a number of charitable works.

You may have seen a family member become the valedictorian of your local high school but there have been very few co-valedictorians who are also identical twins. Tia and Tyra attended Chicago's Lindblom Academy of Science and Math where they stood out for their academic achievement and involvement in the school community. The sisters took to the stage for their graduation together in a heartwarming moment.

As they moved towards their graduation, the twins completed 12 advanced classes and graduated with an exceptional 4.0 GPA. Despite their success, Tia and Tyra believe they could not have achieved as much as they have without the help of their teachers whose office hours they attended on a regular basis. Keeping in contact with the teachers at their school is one of the keys the sisters revealed to their academic success.

Over the course of their time at their Chicago high school, Tia and Tyra became more than just excellent students as they played a major role in developing the school community. Not only do the sister's enjoy the theater and crocheting, but they also established the first Black History Month art gallery at their high school.

Like most of us, you will love what the twin's mother said when they graduated together as co-valedictorians. The mother of Tia and Tyra, Lemi-Ola Erinkitola told Good Morning America that she was proud of her children's achievements and knew the memory of standing together as co-valedictorians would be one they could take with them as they moved on to separate colleges. Tia is heading to Duke University and Tyra is planning to attend Northwestern.

Aren't these twins incredible? Were you as ambitious in high school? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to your friends and family to let them know about Tyra and Tia.