I Will Miss You, But If I Have To Let You Go, I Will

Nov 14, 2018 by apost team

I know that I need to let the idea that I had of us slip away. The thoughts of a future will be let go along with the hope that we could have been together. Each piece that makes up the puzzle of you and me will disperse in the wind with each passing tear and a few pieces at a time.


There will be a day when I will break free and let go of us. You weren't able to give me the love that I needed or wanted, which kept me from loving myself. I was chained in the madness that you created.

The key will be tossed, and the chains will break. All of the dust of the past will be wiped clean so that I start fresh. Although I feel defeated, I will stand again, and I will succeed.



Even though I'm letting you go, I will never forget you. I will remember the person you were. That's because you were an important piece of my life. There was a time when you healed the person I was before you eventually broke me like others.

It's not a feeling that goes away overnight like cleaning clothes or caring for an injury. The feeling is one that stays on your heart and soul for quite some time.


Sometimes, you might come across my mind. The thoughts might bring a smile to my face, but I might not feel anything after a while. I will always remember who you were, but I have to let you go so that I can move on and be the person I have always wanted to be in life.


I will always cherish the lessons that you taught me and carry them with me always. There will be times when I miss you and times when I don't miss you because I will be focusing on myself. I am free falling into the unknown so that someone else can love me where you did not succeed.

Did you ever have to let someone go because the relationship was not going anywhere? Do you regret it or is it the best decision of your life so far? Tell us your thoughts and pass this article on to your friends and family so they can also get a different perspective on love and loss.