I Want To Be With You, But You Need To Treat Me Right

Dec 21, 2018 by apost team

I want to be there to hold your hand through the hard times, laugh through the good times, walk by your side during struggles and cuddle up on rainy days.

I want us to go through everything that life has to offer us together. I want to be with you, but not under any condition.


I want to be there to look deep into your eyes and give you affection every single day.

I want to be there together on holidays, birthdays, and special occasions. I want to make memories with you.



I want to sit on the floor at 2 am in our pajamas and be silly together. I want to travel the world and plan a future together. I want to commit myself to you and have a wedding and children together. I want to be your top priority, and I want to give you all the time I have left on this earth. It's worth it to me, but only if it's worth it to you.

I want to be with you and only you. I want to be the person that always makes you smile and brings you happiness. I want to snuggle up into your lap. I want to spend many nights up into the morning hours talking about our deepest thoughts.

I want you to open up to me and tell me your secrets. I want to share our lives together and go through the best and the worst that it has to offer us. We can handle it if we have each other.


I want everything with you. I want to be completely yours, just as I want you to be completely mine, but I won’t do it if it isn’t right. I won’t try my hardest in a relationship that isn’t mutually beneficial. I do not want to lose myself working hard to keep someone else. I do not want to sacrifice my own self-worth in order to keep this relationship afloat.

I do not want you if you don’t treat me right. If you make me chase you, it only means that you’re straying away from me. And if you’re straying away from me, you aren’t the right one and it shows that we aren’t on the same pages of this relationship.

I don’t want to have to fight to keep you. I want us to be together through everything that this crazy life brings us. I want to be able to depend on you in tough situations and not worry about whether you’ll leave me under the pressure.


I do not want you if you make me beg for your attention. I want to together with you, but if I have to beg and plead for your time and attention, it isn’t worth it. I don’t want to have to wait around for you calling me back while you’re out with your friends. And I never want to have to ask for affection if I’m feeling lonely because you’re neglecting me.

I do not want you if you don’t see my worth. If you aren’t able to see all of the reasons why I’m a valid partner and companion, it isn’t worth it to me. I will never try to convince you that I’m the one for you because you should know this already.

I do not want to have to prove my worth to anyone except myself. I want you to accept me for my flaws and good qualities. You should be able to validate that I’m worthy of your love and affection.


I do not want you if I have to ask you for your commitment and utter faithfulness. If anyone else can have you, they can keep you. I want our relationship to be built off mutual trust and understanding that we are mutually exclusive. I do not want to have to worry about cheating and infidelity. I am valuable, and I should be treated as a once-in-a-lifetime partner.

I do not want you if you do not want me. I’ve been through too much to fall into a toxic relationship. I do not want to make you my priority unless the feeling is mutual. If you put everything else before me, the relationship just isn’t working and isn’t worth it.

You need to prove to me every single day that you love me, desire me and want to be with me or this isn’t going to work.


I want you, but not under any conditions. It takes work from the two of us together to maintain our connection. Make sure you remind me that you want me, too.

Love is important, but don't forget to love yourself first. You need someone who makes you feel like their everything, their #1 in life and first priority.

Make sure to show this to your friends to show them how that they are worthy of love. By passing them this article along, you can show them how much they really mean to you.