I Refuse To Be A Well-Behaved Woman

Jun 19, 2019 by apost team

It's no surprise that intelligent people have a hard time finding love.


Janne Robinson, a 21st-century feminist beat poet, said in a poem called I will never be a well-behaved woman, "I would rather be horribly broke at times than married to a job because a mortgage payment has my ass on a hook. I would rather own moments than investments. I would rather eat alone than sit with women who bore me at “Wives’ Night.

” Strong, intelligent women are women who go against the grain and are not afraid to be themselves. Ladies, if you exhibit any of the traits listed below, you are not a well-behaved woman. You are a brilliant, independent woman who is worth loving. Never settle for a partner who doesn't see the value you bring to a relationship.


You Don't Fear Being Alone


Intelligent women find strength in solitude. Well-behaved women don't know how to be alone. They crave constant companionship to make up for their own insecurities, and they won't feel whole unless they are in a relationship. Use the time you spend alone to gain a different perspective on your current situation. Spending time with yourself can help anyone to grow personally and figure their world out without relying on someone else to help them get through ups or downs.

Your Trust Is Hard to Earn


Trust is not something that strong women take lightly. Chances are you've been burned in the past. That's okay. We all learn from our mistakes. Requiring someone to earn your trust is fine, but don't push somebody away who cares about you. They are not responsible for your past. Know that if someone is with you, it's because they chose to be with you. Strong women date decisive people, and decisive people will stand by their decision to be with you.

You Don't Need Anybody 


Be an independent woman. Work hard, enjoy life and take care of your responsibilities. Remember, being independent does not mean that you never ask for help. A major sign of personal growth is knowing that you don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You'll find that when you are truly independent, you invite people into your life for the right reasons.

Change Excites You


There is only one constant in the world: change. Staying flexible is as important as being strong. Step outside your comfort zone. Try something new. Take that job offer. Move to a new city. Intelligent women often become depressed if their lives are stagnant. Making changes is something that drives strong women to keep pushing forward. Similarly, independent women will expect their partner to be able to embrace change as well and take advantage of the opportunities that appear.

Dating Is Not a Priority


Sure, finding someone to share your life with is amazing, but strong, intelligent women do not make dating a priority. Forced relationships never last. Don't fall in love with the idea of someone. Find someone who shares your passions. You'll notice that it will be easier to devote time and resources to the right person. Open yourself up to the idea of love, but don't waste your time looking for something that isn't there.

You Think With Your Head Instead of Your Heart


Relationships are more than just being attracted to one another. Women who are not well-behaved usually don't allow emotions to cloud their judgment. It takes time and effort to build a solid relationship, but it will be worth the extra effort in the end. You know what you put into a relationship is what you get out of it which is why strong-willed women are usually drawn to partners who are just as competent and strong as them. 

People Are Intimidated by You


Strong and confident women can be rebels with many causes. Sometimes they come off as serious or intimidating but this is only because they are highly conscious of the path they are on. They like to let the world know that they are not a well-behaved woman. If you're like this and looking for a relationship it's important to find a partner who embraces your strength. You want somebody who is trustworthy and lifts you up instead of bringing you down. 

So, are you a well-behaved woman? Let us know in the comments. Show this article to the women in your life who aren't afraid to go against the grain!