I'm Coming For You, 2019

Dec 17, 2018 by apost team

The year will begin fresh and anew, wiping away the events of the past year. This is the year that's going to be about me instead of making other people happy. I know that 2019 has its best interests in mind and that it will treat me in a way that I deserve to be treated. When the year begins I will enter it anticipating the positive things that will happen. I know that there will be exciting adventures as I enjoy all of the seasons that are offered. There will be many lessons to learn as well as twists and turns along the way, but I am ready for 2019 and all of the surprises.


I will enter the year viewing it as a canvas that I can use to paint all of the dreams that I have. There have been several odds in my way in the past, but I will use the new year as a way to defeat them. I see the year as a stepping stone and one that will motivate me to become the person I want to be instead of trying to listen to what others tell me that I should do in life.


In 2019, I will focus on myself and what I deserve.


This is the time for me to push everything else aside and be the person I know that I can be so that I can be a success. I know that I need to really think about where I want to be in life and who I want to be around. I won't let the opinions of other people get in the way or what other people think that I should do with my life. It's only about what matters to me and my feelings.

Instead of a hero that sweeps in to lift me off my feet, I will be my own motivation. This year will end with significant results of the hard work that I put into it along with the joy that I desire for the year.

I will enter 2019 as a brave person.


There might be things that are disappointing or discouraging, but I will be courageous because I know that everything will be alright. I will push aside the negative thoughts while getting rid of the people who have been a negative influence in my life. I will do my best to be around people who are positive instead of those who bring me down. I will take the first step by leaping with a positive mindset into the new year.

I am ready for all that 2019 will offer and will enter the year with a clear mind.

Are you ready for the upcoming year? Let us know if you have any resolutions of self-love you're trying to keep in 2019 and be sure to pass this on to your friends and loved ones to inspire them to be more mindful next year!