I Learned An Important Lesson By Loving Someone Who Didn’t Love Me Back

Nov 27, 2018 by apost team

I met him for the first time over five years ago. At that time, I believed that I had met the one person I would spend the rest of my life with.


The man I had met had broken through all of my emotional walls and tapped into my very soul. I had never felt this way before, and I knew that I wanted it to last. I had a connection with him that I had never experienced with anyone else. I was able to open myself right up to him in a way I wasn’t used to- emotionally.



This man awakened something in me that I had never thought possible. He triggered something deep inside- it was like a light bulb had turned on as bright as it could within me. I felt a passion that I had never felt before when I was with him. It was like I had been freed from an emotional cage that I didn’t even know that I was in.


When it happened, it felt as though I was actually living a love story. However, it turns out that I was simply living a lie that only appeared to be what I wanted. The whole relationship and my perception of it was merely an illusion.


That’s because I fell in love with a man who wasn’t able to love me in the same way that I loved him. I loved him more than he could give in return. It ended up being one of the most painful and shocking realizations I have ever had to deal with.

It hurt me to my very core when I realized he would never be able to love me in the way that I loved him.


However, I don’t want to deny that this part of my life was a very significant one. Even though things never went the way I planned, the lessons I took from the relationship will remain with me always. He may have been the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life, but he turned out to be an extremely important lesson I needed to learn.

He was the one who ultimately taught me that it was very important to be true to myself. He taught me that I needed to value sincerity at all costs. Falling in love with him was almost instantaneous. It did not take much for me to believe that he was the one I wanted to be with forever.

However, as the weeks and months ticked on, it was like I was purposely blinding myself to the truth.


I was beginning to realize that he was changing. He no longer seemed to be the man that I had initially fallen in love with. But I was stubborn. I didn’t want to believe that things were not the same as I had imagined them to be.

I ignored the red flags that were surrounding him and our relationship. I saw them but refused to really pay them close attention.


I never stayed very true to myself during this time period. I lied to myself as I put every ounce of energy into ignoring the truth in front of me. I couldn’t bear to believe that what we had wasn’t the real thing.

I so desperately wished that he would just tell me how much he loved me. I was desperate for the love and affection I wanted that I ignored the fact I wasn’t getting it from him. Deep down, I knew that what we had just wasn’t right. It took me way too long to actually admit that it wasn’t me. When I did, it hurt that much more.


He was the one who ultimately taught me that not everyone is worth our time or attention. Even if we cling to the idea that something is meant to be. If it isn’t right, nothing we do or say will ever change that.

He was never able to give me the love that I was so desperately seeking from him. I wanted to feel secure in our relationship but with him it wasn’t going to ever happen.

It was youth and inexperience that was often to blame for my feelings. I wish I was as wise back then as I am now. I would likely have realized that things were not right, even in the very beginning.


I would never have allowed myself to become involved in a deep and dangerous relationship. I was foolish and ignorant of the way things were. However, I learned that some people are just unworthy of your love and attention. I’m glad I was able to learn from the experience, no matter how much I was hurt from it at the time.


Have you experienced this type of relationship? What are your thoughts? Tell us in the comments and pass this on to others!