I Don’t Want Gifts, Pamper Me With Your Loyalty

Dec 19, 2018 by apost team

Some women want materialistic displays of love and devotion. The value of their gift is in its worldly price tag. They want to be spoiled with roses, chocolates, wines, trips, and diamonds. Not me, though. What I want can’t be bought. It can’t be faked. It comes from the vault of your heart, not a bank. Spoil me with the true attributes of love.

Give Me Your Attention


Do you randomly stop and give me a hug so tight I can’t breathe? Is it impossible to resist gifting me with a kiss when you find me so adorable that you just must touch me?

If I’m not by your side each night, do you text or call me just to say goodnight? Is it hard to sleep without last hearing my voice? Do you tell me all about your day, and do you inquire sincerely about mine? Do you listen to me, or do you just merely hear the words coming out of my mouth?



Can you stand present and strong every day? Can you be there when things are both good and bad? Will you make me a priority and cherished treasure? Will you be my person, my safe place to fall? Your time and attention are at the top of my want list.

Give Me Your Devotion


Never make me cry, but always be willing to patiently wipe away the tears others may cause. Can you be the person who makes me smile and laugh? Will you be the person who’s always on my side?

Do you stand beside me on good days the same as bad days? As I celebrate and thrive upon your happiness and successes, will you do the same for me? As I forgive you, will you forgive me?


Arguments and disagreements will happen, but will you stay and fight for our love? Can you imagine living without me, or is that an unbearable thought? Is your anger stronger than our bond, or are you devoted enough to calm the storm and continue the journey?

What I want is for you to stay; we can use the bumps as tools to make our love even stronger and more resilient than ever.

Give Me The Really Little Big Things


The most important gifts are free. It’s a walk in the park, a picnic, sharing a childhood story, inviting me to sit down beside you after a long day, or just saving the last donut for me because you know I love them.

Share yourself with me. Tell me what makes you happy, sad, and everything between. What is your idea of fun? What’s your pet peeve? Did you always dream of being a fireman when you were a kid? Did you have a favorite pet, color, vacation, relative, or teacher? I want to know what makes you tick and everything the contributed to your own unique rhythm.


Do you want to know me, too? Do you ask about what made me who I am today? Do you know how I eat my eggs, take my coffee, and if I like sushi or greasy spoons when I need to comfort food? You see, what I want are all the little things that often get taken for granted. Mostly, I just want to know the real and unfiltered you and have you know the real and unfiltered me.

Give Me Your Loyalty


Don’t tell me that I’m yours and you are mine. Show me. Don’t tell me that I’m the most important person in your life. Prove it. Don’t say how much you respect and care for me. Put it into action. Am I someone important always, or am I only important when it’s easy and self-serving? Are you a man of your word, or do you lie, deceive, and withhold from me?


You can trust me. Can I trust you? If I hand you my heart, will you guard it? Will you be as loyal to me as I am to you?

What I want can’t be bought or faked. It’s not a material thing. It’s not temporary. It’s value doesn’t fluctuate with the tide. It can only come from your heart. I want your time and attention. I want your devotion. I want your heart and mind. I want to be your one and only. I want you to want me as I want you.

Do you have a relationship like this? Would you rather have the gifts that cost nothing or the material things from your partner? Tell us your thoughts and questions in the comment section.