Hyperactive German Shepherd Hysterically Flunks His Service Dog Training

Mar 02, 2020 by apost team

Dogs are indeed a man's best friend. Some have extra-special abilities and can be trained to become a service dog that caters to a variety of needs. Becoming a service dog is a tedious process - one that requires extensive training by experienced professionals. One such training facility is the Double H Canine Training Academy in Louisville, Kentucky where they believe that every dog can be trained. This video of a pooch known as Ryker gives evidence to the fact that perhaps this belief is not completely true.

Because each dog is unique, Double H Canine Training Academy doesn't practice a specific training routine. Instead, they focus on the dog's individual needs to find the best way to train them.

When one particular puppy showed up at their training facility- a German Shepherd named Ryker- they could tell right off the bat that he would need some extra attention. Even the seasoned trainers at the facility weren't prepared for the hilarity that would ensue during Ryker's training exercises.


They attempted a simple task: fetching an item. When the trainer asked Ryker to retrieve a water bottle for him, Ryker bit the water bottle, sending water spraying in every direction.

Since fetching didn't go so well, the trainers decided to try an even easier task- guiding a person with a walker through obstacles. The pup got so distracted by the tennis balls on the feet of the walker that he began tugging and pulling on them in an attempt to make them his newest chew toy. The moment was so funny and unexpected that even the trainers couldn't stop laughing.

Although Ryker wasn't showing much potential towards becoming a service dog, the trainers at the Double H weren't ready to give up. The next task they attempted was to have Ryker open a refrigerator door. That failed, too, as Ryker became enthralled with chewing on the handle and nearly knocked the refrigerator over.

One final attempt was made to train Ryker. This time, the trainers asked Ryker to pull a wheelchair across the floor. His sturdy frame made this sound like an easy task. Maybe it was too easy as Ryker's enthusiasm got the best of him and he bolted off, nearly pulling the trainer out of the wheelchair.

Perhaps Ryker isn't cut out to be a service dog, but one thing's for sure- he's going to make a great companion for one lucky owner. If Ryker's story tugged at your heartstrings, be sure to pass this video along for others to witness this amazing pup's enduring spirit.